Hi I'm Philipp. I like to build digital products.

When I was a kid back in Austria, my dream was always to become a professional snowboarder. With a lot of passion, this dream eventually became a reality. However, after some years, I felt like I wasn't using my brain enough, so I got a business degree and learned how to code to create a more balanced lifestyle.

After just missing out on qualifying for the 2018 Winter Olympics, I decided that it was time to focus on something else and I moved to Barcelona, where I got my Masters Degree in Innovation & Entrepreneurship from Esade Business School.

After finishing my degree, I got into Product Management and spent 3 years at a high growth startup in Barcelona. I learned a lot about building digital products and managing teams. I also started to take more technical roles on personal and freelance projects.

Today, I blend a strong technical skillset with a solid business foundation and a entrepreneurial mindset. I am currently involved in multiple projects - both personal and as a contractor. If you would like to learn more about what I do, I invite you to explore my projects. In case you are interested in discussing a project, you can also have a look at the services I offer or directly reach out via email.