Service Description

Web App Development

Starting at €3,000

Whether you're starting from scratch or scaling an existing platform, my custom web application development service will meet your business needs. With a strong focus on user experience, I combine my technical skills with my experience in product management to offer comprehensive development services that bring your ideas to life.

What I bring to the table

  • Two for One: By hiring me, you get a developer and a product manager in one. I can help you with the technical implementation as well as the product strategy. Have a look at my past and current projects to see some of the projects I have worked on.
  • Flexible Terms: I can work on a project basis, or on a retainer. I can also help you with a one-off project, or work with you on an ongoing basis. I am flexible and can adapt to your needs.
  • Full Transparency: I will keep you updated on the progress of the project, and will always be available to answer any questions you might have. I believe in full transparency and open communication.
  • I speak your language: It can be difficult to work with developers who do not understand your business. I have experience working on the non-technical side of projects, and can help you translate your business requirements into technical specifications.

I understand that every project is unique, and I am happy to discuss your specific needs and requirements. If you are interested in working with me, please fill out the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

My Tech Stack

In order to make quick impact on your project, I prefer to work with technologies that I am most comfortable with. Here are some of the technologies I am most experienced with:

  • Frontend: Next.js, React, Nuxt.js, Vue.js, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Node.js, Django
  • Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Deployment: Vercel, Heroku, AWS

If you have a different technology stack in mind, I am happy to discuss it with you anyways and see if I can help you with your project.

Let's bring your idea to life

If you are interested in this service, simply fill out the form below and I'll get back to you to discuss your project in more detail. Usually, you'll hear from me within 1 working day.


How long does it take to develop a web app?

The timeline for web app development can vary depending on the complexity of the project. I will work with you to define the scope of the project and provide you with a timeline and cost estimate before we start.

Do you work with startups or established companies?

Yes, I'm open to joining projects at any stage. Whether you're a startup looking to build an MVP or an established company looking to scale, I can help you bring your ideas to life.

What is your process for web app development?

I follow an agile development process, which means I work in short iterations and deliver working software frequently. This allows you to see progress quickly and make changes as needed. I also believe in close collaboration with my clients, so you'll be involved in every step of the process.

Is there a minimum budget for web app development?

I understand that every project is unique, and I am happy to work with you to define a budget that meets your needs. I offer flexible pricing options and can work with you to find a solution that fits your budget.

Can you help with ongoing maintenance and support?

Yes, I offer ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that your web app continues to run smoothly after launch. I can also help you with feature updates and enhancements as your business grows.

My team does not have a technical background. Can you still help us?

Yes, I have experience working with non-technical teams and can help you navigate the technical aspects of web app development while keeping your business objectives in mind.

My team does not speak English. Can you still help us?

I am fluent in English and German, and speak a fair bit of Spanish. I also have experience working with remote teams and can help you overcome language barriers to ensure effective communication throughout the project.